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Category: Coronavirus / COVID-19

September 19, 2023

IRS Suspends Processing of ERTC Claims

面对大量非法申请雇员保留税抵免(ERTC), 美国国税局已下令至少在2023年底之前立即暂停处理新的抵免申请. 美国国税局援引此举的原因是,诚实的小企业主可能会被肆无忌惮的推销商欺骗,这些推销商代表他们提交可疑的索赔. ERTC是一项可退还的税收抵免,旨在为企业提供1)继续支付…… Read more ›

September 2, 2022

IRS Offers Penalty Relief for 2019, 2020 Tax Years

虽然最近宣布的学生贷款债务减免已经占据了无数的头条新闻, 据估计,同日宣布的另一项联邦救济计划将提供超过1美元.2 billion in tax refunds or credits. Specifically, 美国国税局通知2022-36将对错过2019年和/或2020年某些税收和信息申报表提交截止日期的个人和企业提供罚款减免. The relief covers many of the most commonly filed forms. Broad Relief for Late Taxpayers The intent behind the… Read more ›

May 24, 2022

The Clean Energy Initiatives Your Dealership Shouldn’t Ignore

  多年来,全球范围内的“走向绿色”运动已经形成势头, 研究表明,未来美国对清洁能源的需求会有更大的增长. 而这一运动主要围绕着电动汽车的采用, the clean energy trend isn’t just lucrative for car sales. 有无数有吸引力的清洁能源倡议,可以为您的汽车经销商节省大量的税收. While many clean energy initiatives have come and gone… Read more ›

May 16, 2022

Should You Diversify Your Investments with Rental Real Estate?

Many people invest in marketable securities, including stocks, bonds, money market funds and real estate investment trusts (REITs). 但对许多投资者来说,一种不那么传统的投资选择是购买房屋或公寓,然后出租给第三方,这在历史上是有回报的. 这种选择可能有助于分散你现有的投资组合,并对冲公开市场趋势. 任何投资都没有成功的保证,特别是如果你的投资时间很短的话. But rental properties may be a… Read more ›

May 3, 2022

How to Keep Your Business Strong Despite Inflationary Pressures

  Over the last year, consumer prices rose 7.9%, according to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Consumer Price Index covers the prices of food, clothing, shelter, fuels, transportation, doctors’ and dentists’ services, drugs, 以及人们为日常生活购买的其他商品和服务. This is the highest 12-month increase since 1982. 消费品价格的上涨迟早会影响到大多数企业. For example, if you operate a restaurant, spikes… Read more ›

October 12, 2021


对于某些雇主来说,一个重要的工资税截止日期即将到来. To provide relief from the economic ravages of COVID-19, 《老葡京手机app》允许雇主将他们的社会保障税份额从3月27日推迟到12月27日. 31, 2020. Those employers must now pay 50% of the deferred tax by Dec. 31, 2021, and the balance by Dec. 31, 2022. In guidance, the IRS Office of Chief Counsel states that to avoid penalties, deposits must be made of “all… Read more ›

July 30, 2021


对于许多在工资保护计划(PPP)下获得贷款的企业来说,一个关键的截止日期即将到来。, which was created in March 2020 by the CARES Act. 如果这些借款人在截止日期前没有采取行动, their loans will become standard loans, 借款人有责任在到期日之前偿还全部金额加上1%的利息. In addition, some borrowers could face audits. 工资保护计划宽恕基础PPP贷款通常是… Read more ›

May 24, 2021


The 2021 advance child tax credit (CTC) payments, which were established under a recent law, will begin being made on July 15, 2021, the IRS announced. 该税务机构还表示,“大约3900万家庭——覆盖了美国88%的儿童——将开始每月领取福利金,而无需采取任何进一步行动。.纳税人可以为每个符合条件的孩子享受儿童税收抵免. 抵免额暂时扩大,2021年可退还… Read more ›

May 7, 2021

The Biden Administration Proposes Far-reaching Tax Overhaul

President Biden recently announced his $1.8万亿美元的美国家庭计划(AFP),这是他“重建更好”政策倡议的第三步. 该公告是在此前发布的拟议中的2美元纸币之后发布的.3 trillion American Jobs Plan and the Made in America Tax Plan. 这些计划建议对各种国内倡议进行重大投资, such as expanded tax credits for families, 通过增加高收入个人纳税人和公司的税收来抵消. 美国家庭计划:提议对富人进行税收改革。 Read more ›

April 30, 2021


拜登总统在4月28日向国会发表的讲话和白宫发布的一份长达18页的简报中概述了针对个人纳税人的建议. “美国家庭计划”包括对低收入和中等收入纳税人的减税,以及对“年收入超过400美元”的人的增税,000 per year.” Here’s a summary of some of the proposals. 延长税收减免——美国家庭计划将《老葡京手机app》(ARPA)中的儿童税收抵免(CTC)延长至2025年,并… Read more ›